We invite you to join the Friends of the Schindler House (FoSH) in meeting the goal of restoring and maintaining this National Historic Landmark with a tax-deductible donation.
EIN number: 95-3161402

Please click here or send a check to the address below (note: we have a new mailing address during construction) to make a donation of any size!

Friends of the Schindler House
Attn: Robert Sweeney
PO Box 752
Pacific Palisades, CA

Become a Foundation Donor & Leave a Legacy at House
Today is a wonderful time to become a key corporate or individual supporter in the campaign to restore and preserve the Kings Road Schindler House by supporting at the Foundation Donor level.
(Gifts at the Concrete level and above will be acknowledged on the forthcoming Legacy Wall at the Kings Road House.)

Foundation Circle $100,000+
Diamond $70,000+
Titanium $50,000+
Platinum $20,000+
Gold $10,000+
Silver $5,000+
Bronze $2,500+
Concrete $1,000+
Silk $500+

We are also happy to discuss in-kind sponsorship and other collaborative strategies in this restoration effort! Contact the FoSH Development Committee via email if you would like to discuss your support, we’d love to hear from you! Please note: Contributions can be made via check, credit card, and through stock transfer. Commitments can also be made over time.


Use the secure link to make a tax-deductible donation. Thank you!



Contact us about collaborations and sponsorships